Pastor Bill’s Babbling Brook
Weekly Edition of Church News & Notes: 9.13.2024

“Depression” This Week’s Mental Health Issue Sermon Topic
There are several biblical characters who struggled with periods of discouragement and despair. Whether it was King Saul, who had David play his harp to soothe his emotions, or Heman who wrote Psalm 88. On Sunday, we will look at Jeremiah who battled depression most of his life. May God use this message to encourage those of us who struggle with discouragement.

A Picnic First Family Feast
As Summer comes to an end, it is fitting that our church will supply hamburgers and hot dogs for our first family feast. This picnic theme will be fun for everyone. We are invited to bring side items, drinks and desserts. These gatherings are wonderful opportunities to get to know other members of our church.

Mission Trip To West Virginia: June 21-28
Please prayerfully consider joining us as we travel to the Appalachia mountains to minister to those who are less fortunate. We will conduct Vacation Bible Schools and make small repairs to homes in the area. The cost is $615. We will have a meeting at the end of September for people who would want to go or would like more information.

Sunday Afternoon Service at 4 PM
A small group of believers enjoy getting together to sing a couple of hymns and to dive into a particular passage of Scripture. Often God’s Spirit is present and the group encourages each other. At the present time, we meet in the Adult Friendship Classroom. The service usually lasts around 30 to 35 minutes.

Ladies Retreat Registration Due
In November, our women will travel to Hilton Head for a weekend of encouraging worship services. Pastor Rachel Medlin from Texas will be the guest speaker and Caitlin Tyler will lead the worship. But Sunday is the last day to register. Please see Regina Martin or Rachael Watts for more information.

Ladies Accessories Sale: Saturday from 8-12
Looking for that perfect purse! Needing that hard to find a scarf! Maybe you collect jewelry! Come over to the Family Life Center and find that special treasure. A portion of the proceeds will assist our ladies who are going to the women’s getaway in Hilton Head.


Wednesday Nights are Growing
Wednesday nights are full of excitement at WCFN.
Our children’s bible groups are growing each week.
We couldn’t be happier!
But, we could use a few helpers that love children.
If you would like to be a part of influencing a child’s life, please talk to Regina.
It’s a wonderful experience and, of course, our kids are the best!​​​​​​​

Food Pantry Drive
Our monthly food pantry has grown to provide nourishment for
around 30-35 families. While we are grateful for everyone who is
bringing in goods, we realize there might be some who would like
to sponsor a family each month. The estimated cost
of the couple of bags of groceries is $30. We’d love to get 30 donors! Please let
Anne Shaw know if this might be your way of assisting this
important program and pick up a magnet in the foyer.​​​​​​

Worship Opportunities this week:
Sunday Life Groups at 10 & Worship at 11
Worship in Spanish (In Youth Building) at 11 AM
Sunday Afternoon Parking Lot Praise Service at 4 PM
Choir Practice at 5
Wednesday Youth & Teens at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Men's Bible Study at 6:30 PM
Wednesday Ladies Bible Study at the Church or on Zoom at 6:30​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ PM
Adult Bible Study at 6:30 PM

Encouraged By People’s Giving​​​​​​​
People have been giving to the Lord and the church. We can’t tell you how much this means to us. There are five ways one can give. We have resumed Sunday morning worship services at 11 am at the church so you may bring your offerings with you. Many like to use the church’s secure website (wcfn316.com) to give their tithes and offerings. A few might like to text their gift to 803-219-4288. While others will mail it to the church at 350 Wattling Rd, West Columbia SC 29170. If you would like me to pick it up or if you would like to drop it off at the church, please just call me to set up a time. Again thank you for your faithfulness.

Letter From Pastor Bill

Hello Friends,

Hope all is well! These are exciting days at WCFN. Our over 50 crowd just got back from the mountains where they purchased some delicious apples. Our Wednesday night Bible Studies continue to get people connected with the Bible and with God. And the baby shower for Dez and Brianna Roof was amazing. I am so thankful for everyone that works so hard for these events to become a reality. Hope you are getting to participate. As far as prayer requests, Don Freeman has spent much of the week in the Lexington hospital. May God touch his body. Linda Hagins is going to have a heart cath on Tuesday. Continue to remember Hope Addison, Terry Hook, Ray Brazier, Brenda Yon, Bobby and Marie Mahaffey, Jackson Lowrimore, Tina Joye, Joyce Yarbrough, Miranda Birchmore, Rodney Bayne's mom, and Elma Hendricks.

God Bless,

Pastor Bill